Bird Nest Removals from Kitchen, Laundry and Bathroom Vents; and Bird Nest Removals from Roof Vents, in Chimneys and behind holes in Roof Shingles above Eavestroughs
As temperatures begin warming in Springtime and flocking Birds are actively migrating into cities and towns in Ontario, often times in the cool and wet months of March and April, Birds are mostly looking for warmly sheltered and dry places to begin building their Bird Nests. A significant nuisance pest problem for Homeowners, is Birds building Bird Nests as early as February, within the structure of their Home. In Springtime, a significant number of Nesting Birds, begin building their Bird Nests in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Roof Vents, in Chimneys and behind holes in Roof Shingles above Eavestroughs.
A clear indication of Birds Nesting in a Vent or the Chimney of Your Home is, audible noises of Birds consistently chirping for a few days or longer, and noticeable Nesting materials, including straw and paper and Bird poop (feces), where the Vent is attached to the exterior wall of Your Home. The natural instinct of a good number of Homeowners is, a Bird Nest is cute and important and should be protected and a lot of Homeowners want to provide an opportunity for the Nesting Birds within the structure of their Home, to finish Nesting in a Vent, Chimney, or hole in the Roof Shingles, before the Bird Nest is removed. All of this is well intentioned and kind hearted, in fact admirable.
The problem is a Bird Nest is a busy place. The process is, a Bird Nest is built, the female Bird lays its’ Eggs, Bird Eggs hatch in 2 to 3 weeks, at most. A Bird Nest becomes a very busy and active place where the Parents are flying back and forth bringing food for the baby and fledgling Birds, foods such as small insects, bread crumbs, various kinds of fruit and as the fledglings grow older, more foods such as flies, beetles, crickets and earth worms.
Birds only stay in their Bird Nest as a place to raise their chicks and fledglings. Within 3 weeks when the fledglings and adult Birds vacate and leave their Bird Nest, they often leave a lot of Nesting debris, including a vacant Bird Nest, straw, paper, leaves and Bird poops. Following springtime raining, humidity and sunny and warming temperatures, empty Bird Nests and Nesting debris becomes dirty and begins developing odors.
Odors from vacant Bird Nests are a significant concern and an indication Bird Mites are infesting the vacant Bird Nest. Best is to telephone Atlanta Pest Control Limited, Tel: 416-391-4444 or email: as soon as Birds begin building a Bird Nest in any Vent at the exterior of your Home, or building a Bird Nest in the Chimney, behind holes in Roof Shingles above Eavestroughs.
Our Wildlife Removal, Skilled Tradesmen and Licensed Pest Control Technicians are Inspecting and humanely removing Bird Nests consisting of Eggs, Chicks and Fledglings from any Vent at the exterior of your Home, and thoroughly removing any Nesting debris from Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Roof Vents, in Chimneys and behind holes in Roof Shingles, and spraying Eliminating Bird Mites, as well as Screening any Vents or Holes in the Roof, preventing Birds and Wildlife from building a new Nest and Nesting at Your Home!
How to Stop Woodpeckers from Pecking the Walls of My House
In autumn and spring a significant concern for homeowners concerning stucco and wood exterior walls on their Home, is Woodpeckers pecking at exterior stucco and wood walls. Sometimes Woodpeckers are pecking Large Holes to build a Woodpecker Nest and overwinter in the exterior walls of your House, most often Woodpeckers are pecking Small Holes looking for very small insects nesting and living in the stucco or wood walls of your home, beginning as temperatures are cooling and Insects in the ground, lawn and garden are becoming dormant in Autumn and waking up and becoming active in the Spring. Information You provide us, is very Important in Removal and Deterrence of Woodpeckers from the exterior stucco and wood walls of Your Home.
Our Wildlife Removal and licensed pest control technicians at Atlanta Pest Control Limited, in talking with You and asking questions about when you are seeing the Woodpeckers and where it is the Woodpeckers are pecking holes and damaging exterior stucco and wood walls, window frames, garages and sheds at Your Home, is Important in determining the Best professional Wildlife Removal and Insect eliminations methods, for Your Home.
In talking with You, and providing an Inspection of Your Home, our Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Technicians will successfully Remove and Deter Woodpeckers from Pecking the exterior stucco and wood Walls of Your Home.