Elimination and Extermination of Carpenter Ants Nesting Inside Your Home and Outside Your Home
As outdoor temperatures begin warming and sunny, rainy Springtime weather signals the beginnings of frost evaporating from the ground, lawns begin turning green and flowers and insects begin actively thriving in your garden, on your property and in the environment. In Springtime, sightings of small and large Black Ants, Carpenter Ants, is a significant concern for Homeowners. Carpenter Ants are a nuisance pest originating from Carpenter Ant Nests at the exterior of your Home.
Carpenter Ants Move Independently and Not as A Group
Carpenter Ants are large Black Ants consisting of three distinct body parts (head, thorax and abdomen) and chewing mandibles. They are very different from Subterranean or Pavement Ants, as Carpenter Ants are black, very large and varying in size from small, medium and large. Carpenter Ants are a wood destroying insect, very strong, powerful and capable of travelling the distance of a residential block of homes in 10 minutes. Carpenter Ants most distinguishing features are they are Black, all different sizes, they move about and travel independently and not in a group. Carpenter Ant Nests begin at the exterior of your House, locating in trees, wood fences, railroad ties and wood decks. Carpenter Ant Nests become a nuisance pest problem inside your home, sometimes moving indoors when temperatures are colder in springtime. Carpenter Ants seeking water, warmth and shelter, begin building Carpenter Ant Nests indoors in wood door and window frames in your Home and locating their Carpenter Ant Nests close to sources of moisture and in dry wood beams, posts and window frames; they make tunnels and galley through dry wood, kicking out Sawdust called Fras, at the exterior holes they have created tunneling into their Carpenter Ant Nest(s). Carpenter Ants Sawdust and Fras is located on the floor or ground below the location of their Carpenter Ant Nest(s).
Most Important is to Eliminate and Exterminate Carpenter Ants from Inside Your Home and Outside Your Home
Carpenter Ants are a wood destroying Insect, a nuisance pest that is capable of doing a significant amount of damage within interior wood window and door frames and in wood moldings and stairs inside your Home. Most Important is to Eliminate and Exterminate Carpenter Ants on the property and at the exterior of your House early in springtime, beginning in March, April, May and June. In this way, preventing Carpenter Ants from entering the House and building their Carpenter Ant Nests inside your Home. Carpenter Ant Nests are established in the early springtime in dry wood close to sources of water and moisture. Damage that occurs in the wood structures at the exterior and interior of your Home occurs as Carpenter Ants are foraging and travelling back and forth and to and from a Carpenter Ant Nest. Workers and scouts within the Carpenter Ant Nest begin creating extensive structural damage to wood posts, beams, frames and moldings as they continually tunnel through wood for new sources of moisture and food for their growing Carpenter Ant Nest. The larger the Carpenter Ants the larger and more established the Carpenter Ant Nest(s); in the spring, established large Carpenter Ant Nests produce Winged Re-productive Carpenter Ants, easily identifiable as they are between small and medium size Winged Black Ants that are gathered in a swarming mass of Winged Black Ants. Upon mating, these Black Ants shed their Wings and go about the busy work of creating a number of new satellite Carpenter Ant Nests, beside and close to the established Carpenter Ant Nest they emerged from. Clearly, sightings of Winged Re-productive Carpenter Ants, particularly swarming inside your Home, or at the exterior of your Home, is a sure indication You the Homeowner, should telephone and talk to a Licensed Pest Control Technician, at Atlanta Pest Control Limited, Tel: 416-391-4444.
As a Homeowner, if you are concerned about Carpenter Ants infestation or structural damage in wood outside or inside Your Home, it is best and most Important that you telephone us at: 416-391-4444 or email: atlantapest@bell.net discussing with us any Information in Your investigation and Findings of Carpenter Ants activity. Primarily and Most importantly discussing where You have located Carpenter Ants holes in wood or droppings or mounds of Sawdust and Fras Carpenter Ants kick out onto the ground or floor of tunnels in wood leading to their Carpenter Ant Nest(s).
At Atlanta Pest Control Limited, Tel: 416-391-4444, we are discussing with You and analyzing Your Carpenter Ants findings, with a view to eliminating and exterminating Your Carpenter Ants infestation and all Carpenter Ant Nests outside Your Home and Inside Your Home.
Elimination and Extermination of Rodents (Mice and Rats) Living and Nesting Inside and Outside Your Home
Beginning in Autumn and in early Springtime, following colder temperatures and a lot of rain and humidity, Rodents (Mice and Rats) are compelled to find warm and dry places to be actively living and building their Mice Nests and Rats Nests. Clearly, sighting Mice or Rats and finding Mouse or Rat Droppings in your Home, sometimes noise of scurrying and vocal squeaking in behind the walls (drywall) inside various rooms or in the ceilings (above ceiling tiles) and in the attic roof, indicates an active Rodent Infestation. Evidence of Rodents (Mice and Rats) Infestation, is actually seeing a Mouse or Rat or finding Mouse Droppings on floors and kitchen and bathroom counters. Described as, Mice Droppings (brown poops/feces) the size and shape of a dry grain of rice; Rat Droppings (brown poops/feces) ¼ inch in size and mostly solid, lumpy and rectangular in shape. You may find partially eaten food, gnawed on vegetables, fruit, butter or cheese, or of a more serious concern electrical wiring in your Home being gnawed and chewed on by Rodents (Mice or Rats).
Rodents (Mice and Rats) like to enter your Home in the autumn and Spring as a breeding pair of Rodents beginning to build their Mouse Nest or Rat Nest and actively living indoors in a warm and comfortable environment. Both Rats and Mice are nocturnal, scurrying about your Home at night. Very poor eyesight keeps Rodents in search of food and water at night, scurrying at the baseboards where they move very easily finding their way around kitchens, basements and attic roofs, using their very keen senses of touch, hearing and smell (aromas). Both Mice and Rats have teeth and nails that are constantly working and growing. Often times, teeth and nails are noticeably shortened and sharpened on household objects, and Rodents are chewing on electrical wiring, where there is evidence of gnawing.
Mice and Rats are prolific breeders, upon entering your Home they begin eagerly nesting. The gestation period of a female Mouse is 21 days and a Mouse Nest can produce 5 to 6 Mice Pups, approximately 60 Mice a year. The gestation period of a female Rat is between 21 and 24 days and a Rat Nest can produce between 8 to 12 Rat Pups, approximately 75 Rats a year. Within a few months, young Rodents begin breeding and building even more new Mouse Nests or Rat Nests. Considering these Rapid rates of reproduction, it is easy to have a number of Mice or Rats living in your Home before you begin to notice a Rodent Infestation. Both Mice and Rats often live behind kitchen cabinets, kitchen and bathroom sinks, above roof ceilings, behind walls and in attic roofs. Rodents enter your Home through small cracks, crevices and holes in mortar and brickwork, adeptly climbing up to attic roofs and second floor ceilings along mortar and bricks and scurrying along hydro wires, entering your attic roof.
Evidence of a Rodents (Mice or Rats) Infestation in your Home is actually sighting Mice, Rats or their droppings/feces. Seeing Rodents at night is common as they are nocturnal. Other indications of Rodents (Mice and Rats) Infestation occur within a very important part of their daily routine, Rodents gnawing and teeth marks in food, household objects and electrical wires. Before long, Rodents cause serious damage to the structure of your Home, and in some cases, electrical fires from their consistent and constant gnawing and chewing of electrical wires. While numbers of Rodents are increasing within your Home, odors and Pest Control insects issues associated with their significantly multiplying numbers, is a very real concern.
As a Homeowner, if you are concerned about, Suspecting Mice or Rats Infestation in your Home, most Important is to contact a Licensed Pest Control Company. At, Atlanta Pest Control Limited, Tel: 416-391-4444 or email: atlantapest@bell.net a timely telephone call from You, is an opportunity to talk with You concerning the level of Rodents (Mice or Rats) Infestation you Suspect is in Your Home. A Licensed Pest Control Technician, in talking with You is analyzing Your significant Rodents Pest Control Concerns, discussing and analyzing your Rodent (Mice or Rats) Findings, with a view to eliminating and exterminating Rodents (Mice and Rats) Infestation(s), within Your Home.